Advice Stuff

This page is for young marketers trying to make it in this cold world

Who do I think I am giving people advice?
I am a mistake maker.

aka the best person to learn from ever 

This month's advice: READ!!!!!

It's summer, you are probably riding the train to your unpaid internship, or sitting on your parent's couch surfing the web or watching TV, or maybe you are lucky enough to spend some time on the beach. Whatever your plans, you have time to read. Unlike during college when you really don't read because the internet exists, you should spend some time actually reading this summer. Well read people speak better, think better, write better and are just better people in general. I have compiled a list of books that should hold you over for the summer:

1. Blue Ocean Strategy: 
     Yes, I know, typical business book. But Lauren, I read this in class!
      No, you didn't. You should just read it now. Before you walk into any office.

2.  Inbound Marketing: 
      If you know nothing/very little about SEO, social, digital and/or online marketing, you should read this book. If you think you know everything about it, you should still read this book.
3. Atlas Shrugged: 
     This is one of those books where you say, oh yeah, I've heard of that! But neither you nor anyone you know has actually read the book. Why? I have no clue. Read it, find out.

 4. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything:
       There are a lot of change management books out there that are great. Realizing that as a marketer you are essentially a change manager, is also great. This book is excellent and an easy read.

5. How to be Richer, Smarter, and Better Looking than Your Parents:
    I got this book from my parents when I graduated from my MBA program. It was a bit too late in my opinion! Anyways, we all obviously want to be richer, smarter and better looking than our parents, so give it a read. It's probably the shortest book on the list!

 What books are you reading this summer? Any that I should add to the list? Any that I should remove from the list and burn?

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